Product Spotlight: Solinst Rainlogger
0The Solinst Rainlogger is a rugged, simple solution for calculating precipitation.
It’s designed for use with a standard tipping-bucket rain gauge and records precipitation by keeping count of each bucket tip via a reed switch magnetic sensor. The logger can hold up to 40,000 readings, collected at a user-defined, linear sampling period that can be set from 5 minutes to 99 hours.
The Rainlogger is housed in a waterproof, stainless-steel enclosure and has a 10-year battery life. It connects to a PC through a Solinst Optical Reader or a direct read cable/PC interface combination. It is programmed using Levelogger Gold software and is compatible with all Levelogger data and accessories. This allows users to easily look for patterns or correlations between precipitation and ground/surface water level changes.
Additionally, the Rainlogger has the option to communicate via SDI-12, enabling integration with customized data-logging solutions. It is also easily connected to the Solinst Leveloader Gold for data upload and storage in the field.
For more information, please call Fondriest Environmental at (888) 426-2151 or e-mail