Ocean fishery in steep decline
0The National Marine Fisheries Service Systematics Laboratory in Washington DC completed the first global assessment of high value seafood with some startling results. 7 species of commercially valuable fish, such as Blue marlin, Spanish Mackrel and Atlantic Bluefin Tuna have been elevated to vulnerable or critically endangered status. This announcement was released as Kobe III, a meeting of intergovernmental organizations in charge of managing tuna stocks began in La Jolla, California.
Historically, these government organizations have resisted implementing policies to reduce fishing. Despite political challenges other studies support the Washington Laboratory’s findings, such as biologists at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada. The Canadian research team recorded 9 species of tuna and billfish had experienced a significant drop in range size since 1960, some as much as 46%. However scientists worry that these studies will not be enough to cause a political change. Susan Lieberman, deputy director at Pew Environmental Group indicates that she is “not optimistic” that governments will implement sustainable polices to reduce the overall fishing of tuna.
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Image Credit: Greenpeace UK