Supreme Court limits Clean Water Act, leaving many waters unprotected
As many as half of the nation’s worst polluters may be outside of the Clean Water Act’s jurisdiction thanks to two Supreme Court rulings limiting its power, reports The New[…]
As many as half of the nation’s worst polluters may be outside of the Clean Water Act’s jurisdiction thanks to two Supreme Court rulings limiting its power, reports The New[…]
Most of their bloody activities are veiled in the dark, cold depths of Lake Superior. The invasive sea lampreys use their round, toothy mouths to attach to fish and suck[…]
The Environmental Protection Agency unveiled on Sunday a $2.2 billion, five-year plan to clean up the Great Lakes. EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson met with governors of states that touch the[…]
The Ohio State University’s Ohio Sea Grant Program released its latest edition of Twine Line today. The quarterly newsletter covers Great Lakes issues, with a focus on Lake Erie, as[…]